How to make your wedding ceremony unique

Your big day should be yours. It should have moments that mean something to you and incorporate design and details that make you feel happy and that truly represent who you are as a couple. Here are some ideas on how to make your wedding ceremony unique.


Swap sides for your ceremony seating. If you seat your parents on the side that you are standing, then your parents will mostly see the back of your head. Which will likely be really, really pretty and well groomed BUT perhaps you want to be unique. Perhaps you want your parents to be able to see your face completely and totally, to catch your eye and to share in your joyful tears. If so, seat your parents on the opposite side, or stand on the other side. Either way this is a great idea to make your wedding ceremony unique. 


Create your own vows. You can use our VowMaster program to give yourself a head start, but writing your own vows will make your wedding ceremony unique. The application is free and allows you to add your favorite parts from hundreds of templates. Your Fab! officiant will be available to review your vows if you need a second pair of eyes.


Choose unique songs for your processional and recessional. Fab! officiant packages can include amplification options, and they can be any song you’d like. Think outside the box pick non-traditional songs, goofy songs, acoustic versions or hire a soloist. Walking down the aisle, either before or after you’ve said your vows, should be joyful and music can help make the moment more unique.

How are you going to make your Fab! wedding unique?




Photo by Lynne Halterman